
Aloha Islanders!

We're excited to announce one of our favorite activities: the Voucher Race!

Head over to our Facebook page to join in the fun. The voucher you receive depends on how many comments we get!

Don't forget to check back on Thursday to see if we've reached our goal and to claim your prizes!

Click here to join the race now!



Hey Islanders!

We’re excited to share the latest updates and improvements in our new app version. Check out what’s new:

Want to know more about your purchase/prize? No problem! Now when you tap and hold a building or decoration in the temporary shop or a prize in the season pass, a detailed menu will appear. This menu will show important information such as Happiness Level, Size of Building/Deco, and which island it’s for. (This feature is available for temporary events such as temporary markets and pass. In the standard shop with permanent items such info is already available even without tapping.)

No need to drive the boat to the market ship to check quests anymore! Simply exit fishing mode and tap the Market boat to view the current quests through the context menu.

Hot deals are now more sensitive and client-oriented. Expect to see items you might need currently or in the near future more frequently. Does it look like we can read your minds?

No more accidental purchases! We’ve added a double tap confirmation setting. Activate this setting to require a double tap on certain buttons, such as using coupons and certain gem purchases. For now this feature doesn't include the expansion purchase and some other gems purchases in the game with a pop up confirmation. We will keep you posted about our next plans for this feature.

We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience! Enjoy the new features and don’t forget to leave your feedback here. Happy gaming!

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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update on June 26th 2024 around 07:30 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 60 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


Hey Islanders!

We have an exciting new feature to help you grow and succeed: the Growth Funds Offer!

At levels 10, 30, and 50, a special Growth Funds Offer tab will appear in the bank. Each offer has its own price and will not change over time. When you purchase a Growth Fund, you’ll receive gems every 5 levels you reach.

At Level 10: The Growth Funds Offer N1 will appear. If you buy it, you’ll receive your first pack of gems at level 10, then additional packs at levels 15, 20, 25, and 30.

At Level 30: If you purchase the Growth Funds Offer N1, you’ll receive all 5 packs of gems right away for levels 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. Additionally, at this level, the Growth Fund Offer N2 will appear with the same rules (lvl 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 i.e. each 5th lvl).

At Level 50: You’ll unlock another Growth Funds Offer with a similar structure.

The price of each Growth Funds Offer is fixed and will not change over time.

These offers are permanent and will not disappear from the game.

If you accept a Growth Funds Offer at a level where multiple offers are available, you need to reload the game before the offer tabs are refreshed and the new offer will appear.

The Growth Funds Offer is a fantastic way to boost your progress and earn gems as you level up.

Take advantage of this opportunity to grow faster and collect amazing rewards. Happy leveling!

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Aloha Islanders,

With this update, we make your island life a bit better!


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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update on June 17th 2024 around 07:45 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 30 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


Hey Islanders!

We have a fun new minigame waiting for you on our Discord and Facebook page - Guess the Song by Emoji!

Check out the picture featuring 5 songs coded in emojis. Your task is to decipher them and write the names of all 5 songs in the comments along with your game ID. All songs are worldwide known hits, we are sure you heard them, though they are in English.

50 lucky winners will receive a prize on Tuesday!

Join in the fun and show off your emoji-decoding skills! Don't miss out on this chance to win some awesome rewards.

Good luck and happy guessing!

Facebook | Discord


Aloha Islanders!

Wow, we received so many comments!

The results of our exciting Voucher Race are in, and we're thrilled to announce the well-deserved prizes! Head over to our Discord or Facebook page to learn more.

The vouchers are available until June 17th, 2 pm UTC, so hurry up!

Thank you for your amazing participation, and enjoy your prizes!

Facebook | Discord


Aloha Islanders!

We're excited to announce one of our favorite activities: the Voucher Race!

Head over to our Facebook page to join in the fun. The voucher you receive depends on how many comments we get! If we reach a total of 3000+ comments before Thursday, we'll post a unique dino avatar along with another yummy voucher.

To participate, simply leave a comment on the Facebook post telling us if you like dinos and why!

Don't forget to check back on Thursday to see if we've reached our goal and to claim your prizes! ❤️

Click here to join the race now!



Aloha, Islanders,

With this update, we make your island life a bit better!


And for dessert, we've sent out letters regarding the compensation related to the previous balance changes. Once you accept the gifts, the decorations will go to your decoration storage on Tropicalis and Haven.

We would be happy to hear your feedback on our socials:

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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update tomorrow, June 6th 2024 around 08:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 1 hour.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


Important Update: Game Balance Changes

Hey Islanders,

As you know, we recently made changes to the game balance, specifically nerfing the decorations that give happiness. We understand that these changes affected many of you and even caused disappointment. We sincerely apologize for not communicating this properly. We want you to know that we have heard your feedback loud and clear. We took several days to discuss what we can do about it, and we have some updates to share.

On Thursday, with the upcoming update, we will be sending compensation to the players who were affected by the nerfed decorations. Additionally, we have a unique gift that has never been given before in the game. This special gift is for all the players who have stayed with us and supported the game throughout.

Furthermore, we will rebalance the happiness needed for upgrading houses on Tropicalis. This adjustment will consider the current game balance after the recent changes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we are committed to making the game the best it can be. Happy gaming, and see you on the islands!

P.S. ON A TOTALLY UNRELATED TOPIC and NOT as an attempt to compensate for the happiness! Here is the Voucher >> IAMCUTIE << available till June 8th, 6pm UTC.

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Get Ready for an exciting Adventure!

Islanders, it's time to embark on a thrilling quest! Discover the mysterious cave and uncover its secrets. What might you find there? Some fossils, maybe traces of dinosaurs... an alive dinosaur??? No way! What would you do if you met one?

Keep an eye out for new skins coming soon in an exclusive offer. Plus, don't forget to follow our community – we'll be releasing new profile pictures through vouchers throughout the month.

Join the adventure and stay tuned for amazing surprises!

Facebook | Discord | Instagram


Important Updates for Monday!

Dear Islanders,

Here's what's happening on Monday, June 3rd:

The new event featuring dinosaurs begins! Get ready for some prehistoric fun. The spoiler is already on Instagram and will be posted tomorrow on Facebook as well!

A new skins offer will also launch, available for 24 hours initially and then repeated several times throughout the month.

The new pass will start shortly after the previous one ends, bringing fresh challenges and rewards.

Stay tuned and don't miss out on these exciting updates!

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Important Update: Decoration Happiness Adjustments

Dear Islanders,

We want to address the recent changes to the happiness points of certain decorations. We understand that many of you are upset about this, especially since we didn't announce it beforehand. We sincerely apologize for the lack of communication and any frustration this may have caused.

Here's why we made these changes:

Some decorations were out of balance and offered too many happiness points compared to others. To ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone, we reduced the happiness points of the Flower Arch and the Swimming Pool to align them more closely with other decorations. Additionally, the new Jade decoration was balanced according to our guideline that no decoration should be overly generous compared to others.

We are also planning to review the amount of happiness points needed to upgrade certain houses. This will help create a more balanced and fair progression for all players.

We are not planning any compensation for these adjustments.

In other news:

With the last version, the following things should be fixed, so please, check your store:

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to make the game better for everyone.

We hope our new voucher will make this Friday a bit sweeter for you - OMGTGIF - enter it in the game settings before June 3rd, 6pm UTC.


Aloha Islanders,

With this update, we make your fishing life a bit better!


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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update today, May 30th 2024 around 08:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 1 hour. After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


Aloha, Islanders!

Exciting news! We've posted a fun mini game in our Instagram and Facebook Stories, but it's only available for 24 hours!

How to Play:

1 - Check out our Stories to find the hidden voucher.

2 - Each story contains a letter.

3 - Unscramble the letters to form a 6-letter voucher code.

4 - Enter the voucher code in the game settings to claim your reward!


You don't need to know English to find the voucher. The voucher is only available for 24 hours, so hurry before the stories disappear! Click on our avatar in the round blue circle to view the stories.

Join the fun and don't miss out on this limited-time event!

Facebook | Instagram


Lottery Results Are In!

Thanks to everyone for participating! Hurry over to our latest posts on Facebook to claim your two vouchers before they expire. Don’t miss out on these amazing rewards!



Exciting News, Islanders!

We're hosting a special lottery on our Facebook page, and we want YOU to participate!

Head over to our Facebook page, choose a chest you’d like to open using an emoji as a reaction to the post. The most popular chest will be opened tomorrow, revealing a special voucher inside.

Don't miss out on the fun and the chance to win a great prize! Join us on Facebook now and make your pick.



Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an SHORT server update on Wednesday, May 15th 2024 around 10:00 AM CET/8:00 AM UTC

The downtime is estimated to 10 min.

Facebook | Discord


Calling all Puzzle Masters!

Ready for a brain teaser?

We've got a missing piece in our giveaway puzzle, and we need your keen eyes to help us solve it! Check out the image below and spot the missing part. Then, choose the correct option from the four variants provided. Post your answer in the comments along with your game ID on our Facebook page or Discord for a chance to win some fantastic prizes!

The winners will be announced on Monday, so make sure to come back and see if you are among winners! Good luck, Islanders!

Facebook | Discord


Get Ready to Picnic!

Spring Picnic Event: May 6th - June 3rd, 2024. Level Requirement: Level 11 and above.

As the vibrant colors of spring bloom across the archipelago, it's time to join Ikaika in hosting a grand picnic for all! You all are invited to embrace the spirit of the season and partake in the festivities.

What's New:

New Food Recipes (temporary): Discover new food recipes available in your production buildings. Craft these delightful treats to earn reputation points and contribute to the community picnic.

Picnic Building: Utilize the resources obtained from crafting to contribute to the Picnic Building and earn reputation points—a valuable new resource.

Event Shop: Complete quests to unlock access to the event shop, where you can spend your hard-earned reputation points. The shop offers a variety of items, including tournament synchronization rewards and exclusive vanity items like profile pictures and decorations.

Gather your friends and fellow islanders for a memorable picnic experience. Whether you're aiming for the top of the tournament leaderboard or simply indulging in the joys of spring, there's something for everyone at the Spring Picnic Event!

Don't miss out on the fun—mark your calendars and join us for a delightful celebration of spring!

In other news:

Fishing Game Enhancements: Premium Lure Added: Introducing Premium Lure, a powerful tool for reeling in those elusive catches! Additional Fish: Discover and catch our four new fish species. Daily Quests: Engage in daily fishing quests to earn Premium Lure.

Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where the wrong icon was displayed on guild project buildings. The correct icons should now be visible as intended.

Localization: Turkish language has been added, allowing even more players to enjoy the game in their native tongue.

Gameplay Adjustments: Increased the points required for tournament milestone rewards, providing a greater challenge and more rewarding gameplay experience.

Automatic Resource Conversions: Event (temporary) items will now be automatically converted into useful permanent resources, streamlining the user experience. This feature will apply to new events moving forward.

Welcome three new skins and Premium Lures offer available from tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and events in the future!

Follow us:

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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update on Monday, May 6th 2024 around 07:30 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 1 hour. After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


The Guild Tournament will start at 11am UTC this time.


Attention all players!

Exciting news awaits you on our Discord and Facebook communities! Join our mini-game where you need to adjust just one stick to solve the equation. Think you've got what it takes?

Head over to Discord and Facebook now to participate in the fun and have a chance to win awesome prizes. Don't miss out on this thrilling opportunity! See you there!

P.S. Check out the puzzle below! Remember, to participate in the giveaway, leave your ID and resolution variant on our Facebook or Discord page.

Facebook | Discord


Great news, Islanders!

Our voucher race just ended with an incredible 4000+ comments! Thanks to your amazing response, we're giving away two awesome vouchers: one with a mouse profile picture and another with gems, plus two secret gifts each. Combined with the voucher for the tournament start, there are three in total! Grab them all on our Discord or Facebook pages. Hurry, they won't last long!

Thanks for making this event a huge success. Stay tuned for more updates and events!

Facebook | Discord


Hey Islanders! We've got an electrifying activity lined up on our Facebook page, and we want YOU to be a part of it!

Here's the scoop: Head over to our Facebook page and find the Voucher Race post featuring our mischievous octopus eyeing a chest full of gems. Leave a comment telling us which profile picture you love the most from the game!

But wait, there's more! The more comments we receive, the bigger the prize. If we hit 1000 comments, we'll unlock a voucher with gems. If we soar past 1500 comments, we'll add a mouse profile picture to the mix along with the gems. Now, we are wondering if we can reach a 3500 comments milestone by May 1st?!

So, don't miss out on the fun! Hop over to our Facebook page! See you there, Islanders!

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Aloha Islanders!

Ready for a challenge, Islanders? Head to our Facebook, Discord, and Instagram communities for an exciting video mini-game! Watch as seven letters appear one by one. Your task? Find them all and uncover the special voucher name! Enter the voucher in-game Settings before April 20, 6pm UTC to claim your prize. Don't miss out on the fun – join us now!

Facebook | Discord | Instagram


Stay Green Event FAQ

  1. Where can I get tree sprouts? You can receive tree sprouts as rewards for completing orders in the market, boat, or plane.

  2. Where can I find the eco licenses? Eco licenses are rewards for completing Stay Green quests. Don't fret if you're short on licenses due to a lack of quests; the next one will appear soon (within 7 hours). All Stay Green quests are conveniently located in the questbook.

  3. How do I take a photo of an animal? To snap a photo of an animal, wait for the camera icon to appear near it, then tap on it to capture the shot. (Please note: You need to have a quest for this feature first.) The quest becomes available after you've finished the initial batch of tree sprouts requested by Wolf.

  4. I think I photographed all the animals, but it shows 8/9. Why? If you see 8/9, it means you missed photographing one animal. No worries; there's plenty of time to find it! Keep in mind that deer are the only animals that hide. If you can't spot the elusive ninth animal, it's likely a deer. Patience is key; they'll eventually emerge from the bushes, they are just shy. Feel free to seek advice in our community if needed.

  5. How do I get beavers? Beavers quests will become available immediately after completing the photo hunt quest.

  6. I found one beaver. When will the next one appear? Beavers appear in groups of three at a time. Once you've found all three, wait for 7 hours until the next group is ready for parachuting!

  7. Where are the beavers? I can't spot them. Beavers are marked with a red balloon underneath and may appear on any island, including the guild one. Keep a keen eye out to find them all, but don't rush; you have plenty of time.

  8. I don't have any quests for the Stay Green event now. What happened? After finding the first three beavers, you need to wait for the next drop in 7 hours. The quests will appear along with the necessary licenses. No worries, they'll be available soon.

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FAQ: Fishing for beginners!

1 - When is fishing available? Fishing becomes accessible from Level 18 onwards.

2 - How do I fish? Click on the small boat icon, then utilize the joystick to navigate the boat. Locate the fish, halt the boat, and tap the fishing rod icon. Once activated, cast your lure near the swimming fish, but not too close. Wait for it to bite. video tutorial

3 - What should I do when a fish bites? Quickly tap the screen to catch it. If you're too slow, the fish will escape. Don't worry, though, as you'll save the lure for next time.

4 - What can I do with the fish I catch? You have the option to release or sell the fish. Releasing it saves space in your cooler but doesn't replenish the spent lure.

5 - Why isn't the Fish Market responding when I click on it? Drive your boat to the Fish Market, and the option to open it will appear. Click on it and choose which fish you'd like to sell.

6 - Why do some fish are rarer and cost more? Initially, all fish are common, but some become rare based on their size. Rarity depends on the fish type and weight. The price is determined by these factors.

7 - How many types of fish are available? Currently, there are 7 varieties of fish.

8 - How many lures do I have? You start with 5 lures, and it takes 30 minutes to renew one used. Lures cannot be purchased with gems or obtained by watching ads (for now). However, soon there will be in-game offers to acquire lures.

9 - What happens when I sell the fish? Selling fish at the Fish Market earns you sea silver in return. You can then use this currency to purchase useful items in the Daily Deals section.

10 - Are there plans to expand the fishing feature? Yes, this is just the beginning of the fishing feature. We'll be testing and refining it to ensure it works smoothly. Afterward, we plan to introduce additional elements to make fishing even more engaging and intricate.

If you have any questions or if you're eager to chat about the new event, join our community on Discord or Facebook!

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Exciting News, Islanders!

Get ready for an eco-friendly adventure like never before!

It's time to team up with Wolf! With a deep love for trees, Wolf's mission is clear: to ensure a greener future for all. Earn Tree sprouts by filling contracts, completing plane and ship deliveries, and don't forget about the eco licenses!

But wait! Lizzi's got her camera ready, and Diego's preparing the parachutes... something exciting is happening!

Embark on a new adventure, explore hidden corners of the island, and celebrate the beauty of nature. With your help, we can make our island greener than ever before!

If you have any questions or if you're eager to chat about the new event, join our community on Discord or Facebook!

Facebook | Discord | Instagram


Exciting News, Islanders!

Set sail aboard your very own fishing boat as you navigate the shimmering seas of our archipelago. Explore a variety of fishing spots, cast your line, and reel in the catch of the day for epic rewards. But beware – not every fish is easy to snag! Some are crafty and elusive, slipping away if you're not quick enough.

Discover a diverse array of fish species dwelling in the waters around Haven. Whether you're angling for a prized catch or simply enjoying the tranquility of the ocean, there's always something new to uncover.

Head to the bustling Fish Market to trade your haul for valuable tokens – Sea Silver. Then, dive into the Daily Deals to score fantastic in-game items.

Cast your line and reel in the excitement – it's time to embark on the ultimate fishing expedition in Sunshine Island! Stay tuned for future updates, including more fish species, new areas to explore, and... who knows what surprises await?

If you have any questions or if you're eager to chat about the new feature, join our community on Discord or Facebook! Your feedback is invaluable and helps us shape the game to make it even better.

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Aloha Islanders!

Unfortunately, we have to reschedule the update and the fishing feature for tomorrow.

Please note that we will perform an update on April 16th 2024 around 7:30 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 60 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


Aloha Islanders!

It's time to join Our Community!

Looking for game tips, FAQs, and the latest news? Check out our Facebook page and Discord server! Connect with fellow players, participate in fun activities, and grab exclusive rewards. Right now, there's even a voucher code for hammers and nails up for grabs! Don't miss out – join us today!

Facebook | Discord


Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update on April 15th 2024 around 7:30 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 60 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.


FAQ : Library, special items, warehouse etc.

Q: What are runes and how do I use them?

A: Runes are special items that can boost your production or provide temporary benefits. For example, you can use runes to increase the material rewards for orders, reduce the return time for planes etc. It enhances certain aspects of your strategy during tournaments. To use runes, you can implement them in a special place on Jade Island called the Shrine.

Q: Can you provide tips on using the library?

A: The library is one of the most important buildings in the game, as it allows you to maximize the benefits of delivery and production. For production, the library increases the number of items produced, while for delivery, it adds a percentage to a standard delivery. Additionally, the library helps increase order rewards.

Q: How can I increase my inventory/storage?

A: You can increase your warehouse limit by tapping on the arrow located at the bottom of the screen when you are inside the inventory. The warehouse is a building on your pier/dock. If you are already overloaded, you'll need to sell items manually one by one before upgrading the inventory.

Q: What are special items for in the storage?

A: Special items can aid in progressing faster in the game. These items, like tickets, runes, or seeds that yield bigger harvests, can be strategically utilized to enhance your gameplay experience.

Q: What do the different colors in the library represent? (Blue, green, brown, purplish)

A: In the library, different colors represent different regions or themes. Blue corresponds to Haven, green to Tropicalis, pink to Jade, and orange to... well you know.

Q: Will I receive any materials back if I cancel production?

A: Unfortunately, canceling production does not entitle you to a refund of any materials. Once production is canceled, the materials invested are lost.

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Date: 7 April 2024

Exciting News, Islanders!

We've got something special brewing for you next week, and we couldn't wait to spill the beans! Head over to our Instagram, Facebook, or Discord to catch an exclusive video spoiler showcasing our upcoming event and the highly-anticipated fishing feature. Plus, keep your eyes peeled because there's a hidden voucher waiting to be discovered in the video!

But that's not all! Don't miss out on our mini-game giveaway happening on both Facebook and Discord. Hurry, because winners will be chosen on Monday, giving you just enough time to join in on the fun.

Get ready for an adventure-packed week ahead – see you on social media!

Facebook | Discord | Instagram

April, 3

Exciting News, Islanders!

In case you missed our April resolutions posted on our social media, we will repeat here in the blog:

We've heard your feedback loud and clear, and we're thrilled to announce a wave of improvements coming to Sunshine Island based on your suggestions! These updates will be rolled out gradually and will be fully implemented by April 30th. Here's what you can look forward to:

Get ready for an even better Sunshine Island experience! Your feedback shapes the game, and we're committed to making it the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for being part of our amazing community!

Facebook | Instagram | Discord

Great news, Islanders!

We've resolved the Google Play issue, and we're back in action! Sorry for any inconvenience caused. To celebrate our return, use code "LETSPLAY" in game settings for a special reward. Let's dive back into Sunshine Island together! Remember, for the latest updates and news, be sure to subscribe to our socials! Stay in the loop and never miss a beat.

Hurry, the voucher expires on Friday, March 29th at 1pm UTC!

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Patch Notes March 28th

Aloha Islanders!

With this update, we make your island life a bit better!


An issue occurred with the new Google Play version and some players experienced crashes. The second new version is already in process of distribution now. We are sorry for the inconveniences!

P.S. The list of promisses we posted earlier comes to life!

Islanders, make sure to follow us to be up to date:

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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update tomorrow, March 28th 2024 around 8:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 60 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.

Aloha Islanders!

Unfortunately, we have to reschedule the update. We will keep you posted! Stay tuned!

Please note that we will perform an update tomorrow, March 27th 2024 around 10:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 30 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.

Aloha Islanders!

It's voucher time!

The mini-game for the voucher is now live on our community pages: Facebook or Discord. Simply cross out the repeating letters you see in the picture square to unveil the voucher name. Remember, the voucher consists of unique Latin letters written in the correct order. Once you've cracked the code, head back to the game settings to enter the voucher. But hurry – the voucher will only be available until 3 PM UTC on March 24th.

P.S. Calling all tournament fans: the next tournament kicks off on Monday! We appreciate your patience as we process the data received and return to our regular schedule.

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Aloha Islanders!

Embark on a journey through our Stories to find the hidden voucher! Each story on Instagram or Facebook contains a letter. Unscramble the letters in order, you will get 6 letters total. Once you get them all, come back to the game and enter the voucher name in Settings before March 18th, 2pm UTC.

Good luck, Islanders!

Facebook | Instagram

Patch Notes March 12th

Aloha Islanders!

With this update, we make your island life a bit better!


P.S. The list of promisses we posted earlier comes to life!

Islanders, make sure to follow us to be up to date:

Facebook | Discord | Instagram

Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will perform an update tomorrow, March 12th 2024 around 10:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 30 min.

After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. In order to receive the update, please download it from the Google Play Store, App Store or the Microsoft Store.

P.S. The Guild tournament will start on Tuesday 4am UTC and will last 6 days.

Aloha Islanders!

It's voucher time! Ready for a challenge, Islanders?

Watch the video on our Discord, Facebook or Instagram to find the voucher code with a new profile picture! Watch it closely as letters appear in the right order. Once you decipher them, you'll unlock a voucher with 10 Latin letters! But shh, don't spoil the fun for others! Enter the voucher in-game Settings before 3 PM UTC on March 11th.

Happy Women's day!

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Aloha Islanders!

Please note that we will be performing maintenance on the 7th of March, 2024 around 10:00 AM UTC. The downtime is estimated to last 30 min. After the downtime, you will be able to enter the game again. We kindly ask for your patience!

Exciting Update, Islanders!

Get ready for a themed festival pass celebrating Women's Day! Unlock profile pictures of iconic women who changed history all month long (stay tuned for details!).

P.S. Don't miss the next player tournament starting Tuesday at 4 AM UTC, lasting 6 days.

📢 Attention, Islanders! 🏝️

Don't risk losing your hard-earned progress! 🔒💼

Make sure to secure your account by linking it with your email address. Not only will this safeguard your progress, but it'll also allow you to seamlessly switch between iOS, Android, and MS platforms without missing a beat! 📧✨

Don't wait until it's too late – protect your island adventure today!

Aloha Islanders!

The voucher race is over, and you all did amazing!

Due to your efforts, we're giving out TWO vouchers instead of one! Check our Facebook, Instagram, or Discord for voucher names. Hurry, they expire on February 29th, 3 PM UTC. Remember to enter them in-game Settings to claim your prize.

Plus, there's an extra "ROMANCE" voucher with Ikaika profile pictures!

Three vouchers in total – don't miss out!

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Patch Notes February 26th

Aloha Islanders!

With this update, we make your island life a bit better!


P.S. The Guild tournament will start on Tuesday 4am UTC and will last 6 days. The same as the next Player tournament. With this, you will have 24h break between the tournaments.

Islanders, make sure to follow us to be up to date:

Facebook | Discord | Instagram

February 22nd

Exciting News, Islanders!

Your voices have been heard loud and clear, and we're thrilled to announce some fantastic changes coming to Sunshine Island in the next 30 days, all based on your valuable feedback! Here's what's in store:

Thank you for your incredible support and feedback. Together, we're making Sunshine Island the best it can be!

Did you know that we have now a survey running on Facebook and Discord? We are sharing opinion about which animal should appear next in the game. Your voice is needed too! Come to Discord or Facebook to our last post and have fun!

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Aloha Islanders!

Embark on a journey through our Stories to find the hidden voucher! Each story on Instagram or Facebook contains a letter. Unscramble the letters in order, you will get 6 letters total. Once you get them all, come back to the game and enter the voucher name in Settings. Good luck, Islanders!

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Tips and Tricks

Aloha Islanders!

Have you already checked out the guild town? You should definitely do that, because the buildings there can really help you and your guild. If you upgrade them with guild funds, they can for example allow you to help more than 6 times or give you more loyalty points as a reward for helping.

But how do you get these guild funds? Well, firstly you can buy them from the guild bank for gems. If you do so, you can find the number of bought funds in the guild behind your player name. You will also get guild funds for finishing projects. How many depends on the project and which difficulty you choose. You can see the amount you will get right next to the guild experience points in the project overview. These points and the ones bought by players will be added together and you can see how many you have in total when you check out the top right of your screen while on your guild island

Tips and Tricks

Aloha Islanders!

You are not getting the most out of a certain production building? Wait a minute... have you upgraded it already? No? In this case, better do so. By upgrading your production buildings the output of the products as well as the player XP grows. Basically, you as Islander will be much more efficient ;) If you need more information about the levels and the improvements, just check out the info dialogue, which you can access by tapping on the building and on the little information icon.

Tips and Tricks

Islanders, you forgot what reward you received for reaching the different milestones in the tournament or how many points you needed to reach the stages? Did you know that you can always check that? Just click on the tournament building and open the current rank dialogue. Now look at the left side on the progress chart. Here you can see how many threshold rewards you already reached and if you tap and hold them, you can also see what kind of content the gift includes and how many points are needed to reach it. And if you tap and hold the ribbon on the bottom of the chart you can also see the total amount of points you got.

Tips and Tricks

Aloha Islanders!

Guild life is the better life... you'd agree? Well, if you haven't done so far, better join a guild in Sunshine Island. You are not sure how to do so?

Let's see: The guild feature is available from level 12 onwards. To find a group you can join, just visit the guild island, which is located on the left side of your main island. Here you just need to tab on the light tower and you can see an overview of all the guilds in the game. You can also see some information about the individual groups and check them out. Now to join one of the groups, you just need to check if there is a free spot available and if that is the case, just tap on the green button Join and enjoy the team spirit!

Tips and Tricks

How to find the market:

There are different ways to access the market and check the order board. You can either tap on the market directly while you are on your main island. You can see the little delivery car and the market stands on the left side. And to be a bit quicker, you can use the button on the bottom right side of the screen, showing a market stand, and access the market by tapping on it. And as this button is always there, you can also reach the market while being away from your main island.

Tips and Tricks

Aloha islanders and guild lovers! You are wondering what the colors next to the other guild members in the overview mean? Let's check it out and bring light into the shadow.

These colors tell about the activity of the specific player:

Green means they are online.

Orange: They've been offline for a few minutes

Red means offline for a few hours

Black: This player has been offline for a few days

Let's keep it green!